Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Apartment Awareness

One of the biggest reasons for increased poverty in East Multnomah County is low income apartments. The lowest-priced apartments in Multnomah and Washington Counties is in our area. This means that when a poor family must move, they will move east of 82nd, which increases poverty.

However, some churches do not see this as a problem, but as an opportunity!

Clear Creek Community Church encouraged a group of young people to move into Barbary Court, an apartment building at the center of poverty and violence in Rockwood a few years ago. They provided community meals to the neighbors, got to know them and shared the love of Jesus to them-- not by handing out pamphlets, but by being friends.

That was a huge step for this medium-sized church. But you and your congregation can get involved in this same kind of ministry.

You may not have a group ready to move into a a low income apartment building, but perhaps you have a group that is willing to serve, to pray or to provide hope for those in need.

Check out this website: http://apartmentawareness.org/ It gives an introduction to ministry to local apartment buildings, as well as a map to help you find the low income apartments in your area.

Also, if you want to know more, there will be an Awareness to Action Forum about local apartments on Saturday, February 11. It will be from 10am to 1pm at Second Stories 5530 SE 122nd Ave, Portland. If you'd like to know more contact Second Stories-- info@secondstories.org

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