Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Community Gardens!

Yes, it is spring!

A time for planting, a time for growing, a time for color

It is the time of year that many of us itch to get dirty and get gardens started

Is it possible we can take our green thumbs  (no matter how pale) and use them to assist our whole community?  Can we feed the poor,  connect with new friends and have fun?  YES!

Join the KEY group as we invite Adam Kohl, Community Garden Manager of Gresham to speak to us about his plan to fill East County with community gardens for the benefit of everyone, especially to feed the hungry of our communities!

When: April 30 7-8pm
Where: Trinity Lutheran Church
  507 West Powell Gresham

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Join us in Portland! Helping Without Hurting Seminar

Join us in Portland!
Dear Friend of the Chalmers Center,

Join us for our next Helping Without Hurting Seminar Saturday, May 12th at Imago Dei Community in Portland, Oregon.  This seminar is based on the paradigm-shifting book When Helping Hurts, and will be presented by co-author of the book Dr. Brian Fikkert. An afternoon break-out session will be led by co-author Steve Corbett.
What to Expect
Engage with the core principles of When Helping Hurts along with its authors. The morning session of the day gives an overview of the core ideas of the book and the afternoon sessions give you the opportunity to learn more about how you can practically help the poor in North America and the Majority World. Reconsider how you help the poor and be encouraged in how your church or ministry can practically move forward in empowering those whom you help.
Learn More
View a 3 minute video about the seminar by Brian and his co-author, Steve Corbett. 
Who Should Attend
  • Pastors, elders, and deacons
  • Church ministry leaders and volunteers: mercy ministry, benevolence committee leaders, food pantry volunteers
  • Missions committee members
  • Missionaries and short-term missions teams
  •  Relief and development agency staff
  • Christian business people interested in microfinance and microenterprise development
  • Christian donors thinking strategically about their generosity toward agencies helping the poor internationally and locally
We hope to see you May 12th in Portland!
In the fellowship of Christ,
Katie Jo Ramsey
The Chalmers Center for Economic Development

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Blessings for Mid-County

Many people have driven by Blessings and said, "Oh, that's the store that's the same as Christian Supply."  Yes, they sell Bibles and Christian gifts, but they are also interested in meeting the needs of Mid-County!

Below the store there is a thrift store that sells gifts and clothes for down-to-earth prices.  A dollar for a t-shirt! Three dollars for a pair of pants!  And if you come in on a Tuesday, they have their stock at 50 percent off!

Also, they have a heart for the homeless in Mid-County.  They are seeking donations of blankets, sleeping bags, socks and meals-in-a-can (chili, ravioli, ready-to-eat soup, etc) which can be handed out to the homeless in their area.  These people really care about people in need!

NOT ONLY THAT!  But Nehemiah Project is establishing a food pantry for needy families.  It hasn't opened yet, but when it does, a family who can pay twenty dollars a month can receive more than a hundred dollars in groceries.  They are signing up now.  Food for the pantry can be dropped off at a barrel in the store.

Blessings is located at 10209 SE Division Ave., Portland.  If you'd like more information, please call them at 503-256-8000.   Check out their website here.

Store Hours are: 10:00 AM- 7:00PM Monday-Friday
                      10:00AM- 6:00PM on Saturday, closed on Sunday.

Thrift store hours are different, please call.