Some facts from the “2011 Point In Time Count of Homelessness in Portland/ Multnomah County, Oregon”
All statistics reflect the state of homelessness on January 26, 2011. This doesn’t give an accurate overall picture of homelessness in Multnomah County for many reasons, but the three primary reasons are:
-January is one of the lowest counts of homelessness of the year
-It is very difficult to find all the homeless.
-Many homeless ask not to be counted
Even so, this count is important because it gives a general idea of homelessness in the county, it is helpful in comparison to other cities and it helps us see the trends of homelessness.
To read the full report,
please go to this link and download the free file
The Statistics:
2,727—People counted who are sleeping on the street or in vehicles or in shelters on the night of January 26.
1,928—People in temporary transitional housing on that night.
35—The percentage of increase of families who became homeless since 2009
751—Homeless children
9—The percentage of increase of homelessness since 2009
12—The percentage of veterans who are homeless
More than half of those living on the street were living on the street two years ago.
The count in East Multnomah County (East of 182nd) increased to 92 from a single individual in 2009. (A personal note: this is because of the participation of the day shelter programs in East County)
11- Percentage of homeless in all of East County (East of 82nd), where services for the homeless are scarce.
46—Percentage of homeless that have been homeless for more than 2 years
69—Percent of homeless that have been homeless for more than 1 year
52—Percentage of the homeless who have lived in Multnomah County for more than 10 years. However, the majority of the general population of Oregon do not originate from Oregon.
101—Increase of beds in shelters from 2009
53—Percentage of the homeless in shelters who are a part of a homeless family
37—Percentage of homeless women
35—Percent of homeless woman affected by domestic abuse
46—Percent of communities of color (non-white) on the street. In the general population, 29 percent are communities of color. African Americans and Native Americans are more represented on the street than other groups.